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2nd British National Plastic Surgery Research Forum Exclusively Sponsored by MedEther Group

Updated: Aug 18, 2021

MedEther Group were proud to once again be invited to jointly organise the National Plastic Surgery Research Forum (NPSRF) as the exclusive sponsor with Professor Ash Mosahebi’s team at the Royal Free Hospital in London.

The NPSRF is a national conference that provides experts in the fields of plastic surgery and regenerative medicine to present their ideas and to facilitate discussion on cutting edge topics. Additionally, the NPSRF also offers a platform for plastic surgery trainees and aspiring academics to present their research. The forum included presentations from renowned plastic surgeons and academic opinion leaders from both Europe and the United Kingdom in both plastic surgery and regenerative medicine. The presenters this year include Professor Peter Butler (Professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University College London, Director of Charles Wolfson Centre for Reconstructive Surgery at the Royal Free Hospital), Professor Andrew Hart (Consultant Plastic and Hand Surgeon at the renowned Canniesburn Plastic Surgery Unit in Glasgow, and in the Scottish Brachial Plexus Service), Professor George Hamilton (Consultant Vascular Surgeon based at the Royal Free NHS Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children), Dr Katie Goldie (Medical Director of European Medical Aesthetics training) and Professor Wenhui Song (Chair of Biomaterials and Medical Engineering and the Director for Biomaterials in Surgical Reconstruction and Regeneration at the Division of Surgery and Interventional Science, University College London).

Professor Ash Mosahebi (Chair of NPSRF academic committee, Head of Plastic Surgery at University College London) and Richard Johnston (Project Manager, MedEther).

From Left to right – Professor Peter Butler (Professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and director of the Wolfson Centre for Reconstructive Surgery), Professor George Hamilton (Professor of Vascular surgery at the Royal Free and University College School of Medicine, Clinical Director of Surgery, Anaesthetics and Critical Care), Professor Naiem Moiemen (President of the International Association of Burn Injury, Immediate Past President of European Burn Association Executive, and past Chairman of the British Burn Association) and Richard Johnston (Project Manager, MedEther).

As you can see from the programme there was a large variety in the topics of presentations, which varied from AI technology, 3D printing, use of stem cells and the implementation of evidence-based practice. Furthermore, the topics also encouraged lively debates between the delegate audience and the presenters. This highlighted one of the goals of the forum, which is to spark further discussions and thinking around each of the topics.

MedEther is committed to the continuous contribution to projects and events that are focused on bringing together experts in aesthetic, reconstructive and regenerative medicine to present their thoughts and ideas. We see that the NPSRF perfectly fits this mould as it is able to attract world renowned experts in the fields of aesthetic surgery and regenerative medicine that are involved in research at the forefronts of their fields.

Richard Johnston (Project Manager, MedEther) and Associate Professor Eqram Rahman (Anglia Ruskin University)


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